Joomla patching and security updates installed

I will be explaining in more depth the 6 points of my maintenance strategy.

Joomla patching is the most critical maintenance process you can perform on your site.

Many of the patches include security fixes to prevent hackers from taking over your site and locking you out to bring your site down. If you do not keep with the patch releases you leave yourself open to a multitude of attacks. Also, included are bug fixes that cause an issue with some of the installations.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

Well, the obvious is to apply the updates from Joomla and perform regular usable backups.

If you do not have a backup of your website you will most likely have to start from scratch and rebuild. Another scenario is your hosting provider will also shut your site down if they find your site vulnerable to attacks.

But not all website owners have the time nor ability to carry out the chores, you have a business to run. That's when a low-cost maintenance provider like myself can help you out.